On Monday 23rd September, trustees were delighted to welcome Jenni Minto MSP to North Connel Hall where she learned about the successful decarbonising project. Since April, over a tonne of CO2 emissions have been saved, equivalent to planting 67 trees and the hall is well on the way to being completely carbon neutral.

The hall provides accommodation for Girlguiding and Scout units, Country Dancers, Bowlers, Ballet classes and more. Built in 1987, with a south facing aspect it is in the perfect location for solar PV panels. The trustees were successful in applying for Scottish Government CARES (Community and Renewable Energy Scheme) funding to install 30 solar panels, 5 batteries and 3 air-air source heaters. 80% of the project costs of £42,333 came from CARES, with £6000 from Awards for All and £500 from the Barrs Hydro Community Benefit fund. The work was carried out by local Contractors, Kenneth Ferguson and Forteith, and was completed in April this year.
In the 6 months since operation began, 5.7MWh have been generated, 61% however, has gone directly back to the grid so the trustees are keen to negotiate an export tariff for the power generated. The project costs will be reviewed after a calendar year, but already energy bills are significantly reduced, the new heating is extremely effective and easy to use, and the trustees see a bright and sustainable future for the facility.
Welcome to North Connel Hall

Visit our gallery of wedding and event photos. Please contact us if you wish to discuss use or hire of the hall. More photographs and information can be found on our facilities page.
North Connel Hall is fully open for our routine users and the public. The Hall committee have carried out risk assessments and have drawn up a guidance document for hall users: NCH Covid19 Guidance for Users (updated August 2021). This document covers cleaning, suggested room capacities, airflow and guidance on good practice.